Being a supplier is a liability. We know, we've been there.
Cicada onAir for Suppliers
Many want to re-brand, but fail.
New and complete, independent solutions are required...
Prices are only growing, margins are falling, brands are becoming less distinct and harder to market
Chinese markets offer equivalent equipment for a fraction of the price
You share your brands' reputation but have no say in product quality and innovation
All equipment brands boil down to the same 2-3 machine builds.

  • Brands barely differ and make the same upgrades.
  • Suppliers have minimal stand-out selling points, new products are just as accessible to rivals.
  • Competition is reaching a deadlock.
  • Cost margins are decreasing.
  • Prices are growing.
  • Buying incentive is dropping.
  • Profits are harder to sustain and grow.

To solidify a place on the market, distributors must become "developers".
More affordable, equivalent counterparts are widely available on foreign markets, e.g. China, but need improvement to become appealing.
The distributer's dilemma
Distributors are racing to re-brand, but need expertise to outclass well-established designs. There is a path within reach...
Using identical Chinese machines at a fraction of the price as a base, radically re-invented control systems will offer unprecedented equipment capabilities and stand out on a market saturated with stagnating solutions.

Paired with your own proprietary wash substances, washing/wet-cleaning technology and enterprise management software, this makes for complete and attractive solutions that can serve needs today's systems never will.
The Key: Deep Re-branding
To achieve this, deep knowledge and experience in systems programming, washing/cleaning technology and laundry processes is required.
Cicada onAir is the perfect blend, developed by a team with a rich history in laundry, programming and system design.

With equipment controllers, tailored wash substances, superior washing/cleaning technologies and user software, Cicada onAir lays the groundwork for a new and complete laundry/wet-cleaning brand to cover all client needs.

Low production costs and fewer 3rd-party dependencies provide healthy cost margins, making room for rapid business development and growth.
Regular new product lines and innovation will reinforce client loyalty and appeal.
Cicada onAir makes it possible. Today.
Ready-to-go solutions can generate revenue on Day 1, with late-stage prototypes ripe for final development.
What do we offer out the gate?
Cicada onAir comes ready with proven laundry solutions to jumpstart the re-branding endeavor. It encompasses:

  • extension control modules for adopting Cicada onAir technology on 3rd-party machines,
  • proprietary single- and multi-machine detergent dosing systems,
  • a one-of-a-kind and unparalleled ozone washing/wet-cleaning system,
  • proprietary and competitive wash substances and washing/wet-cleaning technology,
  • unrivalled facility and equipment management and automation software.
These solutions have been in daily use and evolution since 2020.
They have out-performed and replaced conventional competitors.
Why us?
With 40+ years of experience in machine engineering, systems programming, equipment distribution and laundry technology, we've seen it all.

  • We know the distributor path and its pitfalls.
  • We understand laundries and have experienced first-hand how deficient modern brands are.
  • We see how much more functional and empowering they can be.
  • We know what needs to be done and can do it.
  • We have done it.
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